This is us.

We’re a team of professional artists, producers, and composers. Together, we’ve produced hundreds of national TV commercials for Fortune 500 companies, directed and produced films and music videos, and produced hit podcasts.

  • Sean Brennan


    “One of my earliest memories is sitting cross-legged on the living room floor in my childhood home, staring at a tape player, listening to Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” on repeat. Music has always excited me more than almost anything. Even as a young kid, I loved the way music made me nostalgic for my own life. My brother and I started our first band in the basement when I was 10, and in high school I began composing for small chamber ensembles. After college in New Orleans, I began producing music and audio for TV commercials, short films, and theatre. Eventually I found my way to New York City, where I scored Off-Broadway plays, hosted crazy art parties, started my band Strange Weather, and met my wife on the West 4th subway platform. And recently, I find myself living with her and a couple cats in a log cabin in the Hudson Valley.”

  • Natalie Gregory


    “My love of storytelling began like most kids in the 80s - by watching television. And also listening to my dad and uncles tell stories from their rustic childhood in the Santa Cruz Mountains. After college, I heard This American Life playing on KQED in San Francisco and experienced the transcendent magic of audio stories. Eventually I moved to Los Angeles to pursue writing and comedy with big dreams of TV, only to become obsessed with KCRW, the local radio station. After creating my own podcast, I was hooked on sound. I then attended the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies in Portland, ME, where I discovered the urge to tell stories rooted in research and investigation, subsequently working as a producer on the investigative true crime series The Opportunist. With Audio Monuments, I’m excited to return to personal narratives centered around family and connection. “

  • Tim Ford


    “I make music, animations, advertisements, and jokes. I make a living from one of these. I’ve worked with major national brands telling the stories of their products and services to audiences in the millions. But it’s bigger than that. Oral storytelling is a cultural and tribal tradition that has buoyed us since our species grunted their first vowels and consonants. I believe in preserving the lessons and histories of our families in their greatest fidelity as new generations replace the older ones and stories become lost to time. Now, instead of propagandizing for car insurance, gym memberships, sports leagues, and box office behemoths, I wield the power of narrative for something more important. I work with Audio Monuments.”