Why Audio?

The voice is a window to the soul.

We believe that a person’s true heart and soul is in their voice, and that nothing brings us closer to them than hearing them speak. The melody of their laugh, the rhythm of their cadence, that certain something that makes them them - it’s their voice.

We believe in oral tradition.

For most of human history, families were tied together by oral tradition - stories passed down from generation to generation. With the development of photography, families started to create photo albums - a visual record of who we are and where we came from.

In an Audio Monument, you can preserve what’s important to you and your family, creating an enduring history of the people you care about most. Their voices and their stories can live on for generations in a timeless heirloom.

Sound is a time machine.

We’ve all had the experience: you put on a song you haven’t heard in years. Suddenly, you’re transported back to the time when you first heard it. The emotions come rushing back, and you get to live it again. Whether it’s neuroscience or pure magic, sound has the ability to contain our memories. And just by listening, we can return to our own past.

We want to create a permanent record.

We live in an amazing time. With super computers in our pockets, we have the ability to take as many photos and videos as we want. The catch is, we’re now swimming in an endless tide of digital memories. It’s difficult to know which moments are significant, and what to do with all that media. The memories get lost in the cloud.

Our mission at Audio Monuments is to help you create a permanent record of the people and moments you care about most. By collecting your memories in a singular artifact, you can return to it again and again, and pass it on to future generations.