Our Process

Like people, every Audio Monument is unique…

So the process of making each one will be different. A Monument for your wedding is all about the big day, so all of our interviews will take place in or around the event. And a Monument about your Mother’s life involves reaching out to her friends and family, with interviews often conducted remotely. But for every Audio Monument, the main ingredient is people.

Step 1:

What story do you want to tell?

In our initial conversation, we’ll determine the subject of your Monument. We can help you tell the story of an individual, a family, a relationship, or even a single event. We’ll establish the subject, all of the people you want included in your Monument, a timeline for completion, and even the style of music you think best captures the subject.

Step 2:

Collecting the ingredients

This is the journalistic part of the process. We’ll conduct personal interviews with people involved in your Monument, collecting stories and memories.

We’ll also collect archival media. This could be any old recordings you have - voicemails, a song your grandmother recorded on an 8-track, a home video from 1963, it’s all great material!

And in the case of events, we’ll do in-person field recordings.

Step 3:

The Magic

Once we’ve collected all the ingredients, we’ll craft your Monument. First, we edit. We’ll often end up with many hours of recordings, so we whittle down the material and sculpt a piece that’s beautiful and entertaining.

Then, we sound design it. This is a subtle art, but it can be the gentle detail that makes it feel like you can smell the salt in the sea air.

Once we’ve got the narrative in place, we score it with original music. We want to make sure your story feels like your story.

And finally, we mix and master it. This is about making it sound clear and polished. It’s the final touches for the finished Monument.

Step 4:

Final Approval

Once we have a completed work, we’ll send it your way for review. We want you to be happy with your Monument, so we’ll work with you until it’s right. Once we have your final approval, we’ll share your Monument however you prefer: publicly, with a password protected link, or as a downloadable file.

And now, your Audio Monument will live on in all its warmth and depth, preserved forever.

Yours to keep and to share.